2022 Woudschoten conference
The Woudschoten Conference 2022, held 5-7 October, was the forty-sixth edition of the conference.
The organizing committee is happy to present some of the lectures given at the Woudschoten Conference 2022.
Themes and speakers of the 2022 Woudschoten Conference were:
1. Scientific Computing and Machine Learning
Weinan E, Princeton University
A Mathematical Perspective on Machine Learning
Bridging Traditional and Machine Learning-Based Algorithms for Solving Partial Differential Equations: The Random Feature Method, op: [slides: https://web.math.princeton.edu/~weinan/]
Petros Koumoutsakos, Harvard University
Computing - AI Alloys for prediction and control in fluid mechanics
2. Quantum Computing
Oleksandr Kyriienko, University of Exeter
Quantum computing in the near-term: introduction to software and hardware
Quantum computing in the near-term: a path towards quantum scientific machine learning
Ashley Montanaro, University of Bristol
An introduction of quantum algorithms
Quantum algorithms for solving differential equations
3. Probabilistic Numerical Methods for ODE's and PDE's
Catherine Powell, University of Manchester
Intrusive Methods for Forward UQ in PDE Models
Basic Stochastic Galerkin Approximation
Adaptive Multilevel Stochastic Galerkin Approximation
Extra talks by:
Laura Scarabosio, Radboud University
Quantifying the effects of geometric uncertainties
Benjamin Sanderse, CWI
Structure-preserving learning of embedded discrete closure models
One-minute Poster Session 2022
Each PhD student was invited to present a poster on his/her research, in a one-minute time slot on Thursday, to attract attention to the poster.
The following posters were rated as the best by a jury consisting of speakers and organizers.
First place:Emil Loevbak from KU Leuven
Second place: Philipp Horn, TU Eindhoven
Third place: Pascal den Boef, TU Eindhoven
Financial supporters:
This year we also had a time slot for presentations by our financial supporters. Anne Eggels from Sioux Mathware and Nils van Velzen from VORtech gave a presentation.
Financial support for this year’s conference was provided by: