Historical Overview
1976 |
: |
van der Sluis (chairman), Spijker, Wetterling, Slagt (secretary) |
Approximation |
Invited speakers: Grigorieff, Werner, Wuytack |
Discretization |
Invited speakers: Bramble, Gourlay, Gustafsson |
1977 |
: |
Spijker (chairman), Dekker, Wetterling, Slagt (secretary) |
Numerical solution methods for nonlinear systems of equations |
Invited speakers: Bohl, Deuflhard, Robert |
Numerical solution methods for integral equations |
Invited speakers: Anselone, Baker, Delves |
1978 |
: |
Wetterling (chairman), Dekker, van de Vooren, Slagt (secretary) |
Numerical solution methods for systems of linear equations, in particular systems with sparse matrices |
Invited speakers: Paige, Parlett, Reid |
Numerical methods for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Axelsson, Nitsche, Whiteman |
1979 |
: |
Dekker (chairman), van de Vooren, Wesseling, Slagt (secretary) |
Numerical treatment of ill-posed problems in analysis and algebra |
Invited speakers: Brunner, Eldén, Hadeler, Natterer, Wilkinson |
1980 |
: |
van de Vooren (chairman), Veltkamp, Wesseling, Slagt (secretary) |
Fast solution methods for elliptic partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Golub, Henrici, Schumann |
Boundary-value problems with free or moving boundaries |
Invited speakers: Cara, Crank, Ockendon |
1981 |
: |
Wesseling (chairman), van der Houwen, Veltkamp, Verwer (secretary) |
Stability theory for stiff initial-value problems |
Invited speakers: Jeltsch, Liniger, Wanner |
Aspects of the finite-element method |
Invited speakers: Meinguet, Morton, Raviart |
1982 |
: |
Veltkamp (chairman), Axelsson, van der Houwen, Verwer (secretary) |
Fredholm integral equations with weakly singular kernels and elliptic boundary-value problems |
Invited speakers: Brebbia, Nédelec, Wendland |
Recent applications of numerical algebra |
Invited speakers: Björck, van Dooren, Stoer |
1983 |
: |
van der Houwen (chairman), Axelsson, van Veldhuizen, Verwer (secretary) |
Defect corrections and a-posteriori error estimations |
Invited speakers: Böhmer, Dupont, Stetter |
The role of software, interval arithmetic and supercomputers in numerical analysis |
Invited speakers: Duff, Kascic, Stetter |
1984 |
: |
Axelsson (chairman), Boerstoel, van Veldhuizen, Verwer (secretary) |
Numerical solution of evolution problems with applications to the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations |
Invited speakers: Chattot, van Leer, Viviand |
Iterative methods for asymmetric systems of algebraic equations |
Invited speakers: Beauwens, Golub, Periaux, Young |
1985 |
: |
van Veldhuizen (chairman), Boerstoel, Traas, Verwer (secretary) |
Numerical methods for semi-conductor problems |
Invited speakers: Fichtner, Markowich, de Mey, Polak |
Multi-dimensional approximation and sparse least-squares methods |
Invited speakers: Dahmen, Parlett, Toint |
1986 |
: |
Boerstoel (chairman), Traas, van der Vorst, Verwer (secretary) |
Numerical grid generation and adaptive grids |
Invited speakers: Baines, Eiseman, Weatherill |
Stability theory of time integration methods for time-dependent partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Crouzeix, Butcher, Sanz-Serna |
1987 |
: |
Traas (chairman), van der Sluis, van der Vorst, Hundsdorfer (secretary) |
Numerical solution of bifurcation problems, and homotopy methods |
Invited speakers: Mittelmann, Schwetlick, Spence |
Hyperbolic partial differential equations and weakly reflecting boundaries |
Invited speakers: Gustafsson, Lerat |
1988 |
: |
van der Vorst (chairman), van der Sluis, Spijker, Hundsdorfer (secretary) |
Domain-decomposition methods for elliptic boundary-value problems |
Invited speakers: Bjørstad, Kuznetsov, Widlund |
Projection methods for asymmetric systems of linear equations |
Invited speakers: Manteufel, Saad, van der Sluis |
1989 |
: |
van der Sluis (chairman), Paardekooper, Spijker, Hundsdorfer (secretary) |
Parallel computing (with special attention for presentday computer architectures) |
Invited speakers: Hockney, McCormick, van der Vorst |
Aspects of the finite-element method (with special attention for mixed finite elements) |
Invited speakers: Marini, Verfürth, Wheeler |
1990 |
: |
Spijker (chairman), Axelsson, Paardekooper, Hundsdorfer (secretary) |
Spectral methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Deville, Fornberg, Maday |
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations – recent developments |
Invited speakers: Hairer, Iserles, Sanz-Serna |
1991 |
: |
Paardekooper (chairman), Dekker, van der Houwen, Sommeijer (secretary) |
Solution of evolution problems with waveform-relaxation methods and other (parallel) methods |
Invited speakers: Bellen, Butcher, Gear, Ruehli |
Numerical methods for computing eigenvalues of large matrices, in particular asymmetric matrices |
Invited speakers: Chatelin, Elsner, Kagström |
1992 |
: |
Dekker (chairman), Hemker, Traas, Sommeijer (secretary) |
Multidimensional approximation, wavelets and applications in image processing |
Invited speakers: Chui, Cohen, Mulansky |
Adaptive grid methods for partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Flaherty, Johnson, Mayers |
1993 |
: |
Hemker (chairman), Mattheij, Axelsson, Paardekooper, Sommeijer (secretary) |
Convergence-acceleration techniques: extrapolation and continuation methods |
Invited speakers: Brezinski, Georg, Sidi |
Inverse problems in differential equations |
Invited speakers: Chavent, Kunisch, Viergever |
1994 |
: |
Mattheij (chairman), de Groot, van der Vorst, van Veldhuizen, Sommeijer (secretary) |
Various aspects of high-performance computing and networking |
Invited speakers: Joppich, Keyes, Vandewalle, Wijshoff |
Differential-algebraic equations |
Invited speakers: Führer, Hairer |
1995 |
: |
De Groot (chairman), Mattheij, Veldman, van der Vorst, Kok (secretary) |
Domain decomposition for iterative methods |
Invited speakers: Chan, le Tallec, Widlund |
Long-term approximations for dynamical systems |
Invited speakers: Bengtsson, Laminie, Pascal, Roe |
1996 |
: |
Veldman (chairman), van der Houwen, van der Vorst, Kok (secretary) |
Iterative methods for linear systems with strongly asymmetric matrices |
Invited speakers: Forsyth, Huckle, Saad |
Numerical methods for transport equations |
Invited speakers: Jeltsch, Leonard, Williamson |
1997 |
: |
van der Houwen (chairman), Roose, Wesseling, Kok (secretary) |
Nonlinear boundary-value problems (with emphasis on aspects such as continuation methods and bifurcation) |
Invited speakers: Doedel, Keller, Mittelmann |
Generalized eigenvalue problems and singular-value decomposition |
Invited speakers: Edelman, Sorensen |
Numerical treatment of financial models |
Hoevenaars |
1998 |
: |
Wesseling (chairman), Roose, Spijker, Kok (secretary) |
Aspects of the integration of initial-value problems |
Invited speakers: Burrage, Stuart, Zennaro |
Wavelets and hierarchical bases |
Invited speakers: Antoine, Dahmen, Oswald |
1999 |
: |
Schilders (chairman), Roose, Veldman, Lioen (secretary) |
Boundary-value treatment for partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Causon, De Zeeuw, Kothe |
Developments in optimization |
Invited speakers: Andersen, Roos, Ta'asan, Toint |
2000 |
: |
De Groen (chairman), van der Houwen, van der Vorst, Kok (secretary) |
Large-scale linear algebra and model reduction |
Invited speakers: Frommer, Trefethen, Van Dooren |
Review and perspective of numerical analysis of ordinary differential equations |
Invited speakers: Lubich, Spijker, Wanner |
After-dinner speech |
Trefethen |
2001 |
: |
Vanden Berghe (chairman), Cuyt, Veldman, Kok (secretary) |
Discontinuous Galerkin systems |
Invited speakers: Cockburn, Rebay, van der Vegt |
Symbolic-numerical techniques |
Invited speakers: Corless, Emiris, Neumaier |
2002 |
: |
van der Vorst (chairman), van der Vegt, Verwer, Kok (secretary) |
Finite elements: adaptive grids (hp-adaptivity) |
Invited speakers: Ainsworth, Flaherty, Schwab |
Finite elements: applications and solution methods (among which preconditioning, direct solution methods and iterative solution methods) |
Invited speakers: Fischer, Hackbusch, Wathen |
2003 |
: |
van der Vegt (chairman), Roose, Verwer, Kok (secretary) |
Moving-boundary problems |
Invited speakers: Abgrall, Osher, Tryggvason |
Matrix functions |
Invited speakers: Demmel, Higham, Mehrmann |
2004 |
: |
Verwer (chairman), Reusken, van der Vegt, Kok (secretary) |
Computational electromagnetics |
Invited speakers: Demkowicz, Hiptmair, Monk |
Geometrical integration of ordinary and partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Hairer, Leimkuhler, Skeel |
2005 |
: |
Roose (chairman), Mattheij, Reusken, Kok (secretary) |
Convection-diffusion-reaction equations |
Invited speakers: Deconinck, Stynes, Axelsson, van Leer |
Signal analysis and image processing |
Invited speakers: Chan, Holschneider, Modersitzki |
2006 |
: |
Veldman (chairman), Schilders, van der Vegt, Kok (secretary) |
Model reduction |
Invited speakers: Benner, Freund, Hinze |
High-order discretization methods |
Invited speakers: Deville, Shu, Steinberg |
2007 |
: |
van der Vegt (chairman), Bijl, Koren, Vandewalle, Kok (secretary) |
Coupled heterogeneous problems |
Invited speakers: Farhat, Wall, Wohlmuth |
Numerical optimization techniques |
Invited speakers: Bandler, Borzì, Pironneau |
2008 |
: |
Bijl (chairman), Schilders, Stevenson, Nool (secretary) |
Numerical solution of high-dimensional problems |
Invited speakers: Mohlenkamp, Cools, Schwab |
Bio-mathematics |
Invited speakers: Sherwin, Gerbeau, Formaggia |
2009 |
: |
Oosterlee (chairman), Schilders, Verwer, Nool (secretary) |
Recent developments in iterative methods |
Invited speakers: Hochbruck, Silvester, Simoncini |
Numerical methods and stochastics in applications |
Invited speakers: Reich, Elman, Burrage |
After-dinner speech |
Sonneveld |
2010 |
: |
Veldman (chairman), Bisseling, Koren, Vuik, Nool (secretary) |
Parallel numerical linear algebra |
Invited speakers: Patrick Amestoy, Peter Arbenz, Alex Pothen |
Immersed boundary methods and Cartesian grids |
Invited speakers: Gianluca Iaccarino, Petros Koumoutsakos, Rajat Mittal |
2011 |
: |
Koren (chairman), Frank, Oosterlee, Stevenson, Nool (secretary) |
Numerical methods for image processing |
Invited speakers: Per Christian Hansen, Justin Romberg, Irad Yavneh |
Mimetic discretizations |
Invited speakers: Pavel Bochev, Alain Bossavit, Blair Perot |
2012 |
: |
Vuik (chairman), Oosterlee, Roose, Veldman, Nool (secretary) |
Adjoint methods and optimization |
Invited speakers: Michele Benzi, Andrea Walther, Enrique Zuazua |
From particle models to continuum models |
Invited speakers: Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni, Claude Le Bris, Scott MacLachlan |
2013 |
: |
van Brummelen (chairman), Kraaijevanger, Vandewalle, van der Vegt, Nool (secretary) |
Adaptive finite-element methods |
Invited speakers: Ricardo Nochetto, Serge Prudhomme, Pavel Solin |
Inverse problems and uncertainty quantification |
Invited speakers: Andrew Stuart, Olivier Le Maître, Youssef Marzouk |
2014 |
: |
Veldman (chairman), Oosterlee, Van Daele, Vandewalle, Nool (secretary) |
Domain decomposition and multi-physics |
Invited speakers: Martin J. Gander, Axel Klawonn, Daniel Rixen |
Strongly oscillatory behavior |
Invited speakers: Simon N. Chandler-Wilde, Ivan Graham, Daan Huybrechs |
2015 |
: |
Hundsdorfer (chairman), Oosterlee, Bisseling, Koren, Roose, Nool (secretary) |
Fortieth Numerical Analysis Conference Woudschoten |
Invited speakers: Margot Gerritsen, Desmond J. Higham, Tamara G. Kolda, |
Cleve Moler, Philip L. Roe, Gerhard Wanner |
After-dinner speech |
Gerard Alberts |
2016 |
: |
Roose (chairman), van der Vegt, Vandewalle, Nool (secretary), Anholt (secretary) |
Numerical methods for big data analytics |
invited speakers: Peter Richtarik, George Karypis |
Monte Carlo methods for partial and stochastic differential equations |
invited speakers: Frances Kuo, Michael Tretyakov |
Mixed finite-element methods |
Invited speakers: Douglas N. Arnold, Daniele Boffi |
2017 |
van der Vegt (chairman), Vuik, Oosterlee, Anholt (secretary) |
Eigenvalue problems |
invited speakers: Francoise Tisseur, Karl Meerbergen |
Numerical techniques for social media and network problems |
Invited speakers: Hans de Sterck, Nelly Litvak |
Semi-smooth Newton methods |
Invited speakers: Karl Kunisch, Michael Ulbrich |
2018 |
Vandewalle (chairman), Koren, Bisseling, Anholt (secretary) |
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods |
invited speakers: Aretha Teckentrup, Raul F. Tempone |
Recent developments in time-integration methods for ordinary and partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Rob Falgout, Giovanni Samaey |
Sparse direct linear solvers |
Invited speakers: Jennifer Scott, Xiaoye Sherry Li |
2019 |
Schilders (chairman), van der Vegt, Crommelin, Anholt (secretary) |
Model order reduction for parametric systems |
Invited speakers: Gianluigi Rozza, Karen Veroy-Grepl |
Adaptivity and a-posteriori error estimation for the finite element method |
Invited speakers: Carsten Carstensen, Emmanuil Georgouiis |
Numerical methods in deep learning |
Invited speakers: Gitta Kutyniok, Daniel Pelt, Anastasia Borovykh |
2021 |
Pop (chairman), van Gijzen, Schlottbom, Koren, Anholt (secretary) |
Inverse Problems and Imaging |
Invited speakers: Carola Schoenlieb, Barbara Kaltenbacher |
Rigorous multiscale methods for partial differential equations |
Invited speakers: Patrick Henning, Yalchin Efendiev |
Randomized numerical linear algebra |
Invited speakers: Petros Drineas, Per-Gunnar Martinsson |
2022 | Meerbergen (chair), Bertrand, Koren, Lord, Möller, Veroy-Grepl, Anholt (secretary) |
Scientific Computing and Machine Learning |
Invited speakers: Weinan E, Petros Koumoutsakos |
Quantum Computing |
Invited speakers:Oleksandr Kyriienko, Ashley Montanaro |
Probabilistic Numerical Methods for ODE's and PDE's |
Invited speakers: Mark Girolami (cancelled), Catherine Powell |
2023 |
Dubinkina (chair), Oosterlee, van Gijzen, Koren, Anholt (secretary) |
High Performance Scientific Computing | |||
Invited speakers: Laura Grigori, Gerhard Wellein | |||
Data Assimilation | |||
Invited speakers: Sebastian Reich, Susana Gomes | |||
Numerical Solution of Stochastic Optimal control | |||
Invited speakers: Jean Francois Chassagneux, Peter Forsyth |
2024 |
Koren (chair), Meerbergen, ten Thije Boonkkamp, Scarabosio |
Rational Approximation | |||
Invited speakers: Bernhard Beckermann, Stefan Güttel | |||
Computational Mathematics of Life Sciences | |||
Invited speakers: Susanna Röblitz, Marie Rognes | |||
Computational Optics | |||
Invited speakers: Martijn Anthonissen, Boris Thibert |