Historical Overview

A list starting with the first Woudschoten conference in 1976, showing an overview of subjects and keynote speakers in chronological order. Also mentioned are the members of the organizing committee each year.



van der Sluis (chairman), Spijker, Wetterling, Slagt (secretary)





Invited speakers: Grigorieff, Werner, Wuytack





Invited speakers: Bramble, Gourlay, Gustafsson




Spijker (chairman), Dekker, Wetterling, Slagt (secretary)


Numerical solution methods for nonlinear systems of equations



Invited speakers: Bohl, Deuflhard, Robert


Numerical solution methods for integral equations



Invited speakers: Anselone, Baker, Delves




Wetterling (chairman), Dekker, van de Vooren, Slagt (secretary)


Numerical solution methods for systems of linear equations,

in particular systems with sparse matrices



Invited speakers: Paige, Parlett, Reid


Numerical methods for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Axelsson, Nitsche, Whiteman




Dekker (chairman), van de Vooren, Wesseling, Slagt (secretary)


Numerical treatment of ill-posed problems in analysis and algebra



Invited speakers: Brunner, Eldén, Hadeler, Natterer, Wilkinson




van de Vooren (chairman), Veltkamp, Wesseling, Slagt (secretary)


Fast solution methods for elliptic partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Golub, Henrici, Schumann


Boundary-value problems with free or moving boundaries



Invited speakers: Cara, Crank, Ockendon




Wesseling (chairman), van der Houwen, Veltkamp, Verwer (secretary)


Stability theory for stiff initial-value problems



Invited speakers: Jeltsch, Liniger, Wanner


Aspects of the finite-element method



Invited speakers: Meinguet, Morton, Raviart




Veltkamp (chairman), Axelsson, van der Houwen, Verwer (secretary)


Fredholm integral equations with weakly singular kernels and elliptic boundary-value problems



Invited speakers: Brebbia, Nédelec, Wendland


Recent applications of numerical algebra



Invited speakers: Björck, van Dooren, Stoer




van der Houwen (chairman), Axelsson, van Veldhuizen, Verwer (secretary)


Defect corrections and a-posteriori error estimations



Invited speakers: Böhmer, Dupont, Stetter


The role of software, interval arithmetic and supercomputers in numerical analysis



Invited speakers: Duff, Kascic, Stetter




Axelsson (chairman), Boerstoel, van Veldhuizen, Verwer (secretary)


Numerical solution of evolution problems with applications to

the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations



Invited speakers: Chattot, van Leer, Viviand


Iterative methods for asymmetric systems of algebraic equations



Invited speakers: Beauwens, Golub, Periaux, Young




van Veldhuizen (chairman), Boerstoel, Traas, Verwer (secretary)


Numerical methods for semi-conductor problems



Invited speakers: Fichtner, Markowich, de Mey, Polak


Multi-dimensional approximation and sparse least-squares methods



Invited speakers: Dahmen, Parlett, Toint




Boerstoel (chairman), Traas, van der Vorst, Verwer (secretary)


Numerical grid generation and adaptive grids



Invited speakers: Baines, Eiseman, Weatherill


Stability theory of time integration methods for time-dependent partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Crouzeix, Butcher, Sanz-Serna




Traas (chairman), van der Sluis, van der Vorst, Hundsdorfer (secretary)


Numerical solution of bifurcation problems, and homotopy methods



Invited speakers: Mittelmann, Schwetlick, Spence


Hyperbolic partial differential equations and weakly reflecting boundaries



Invited speakers: Gustafsson, Lerat




van der Vorst (chairman), van der Sluis, Spijker, Hundsdorfer (secretary)


Domain-decomposition methods for elliptic boundary-value problems



Invited speakers: Bjørstad, Kuznetsov, Widlund


Projection methods for asymmetric systems of linear equations



Invited speakers: Manteufel, Saad, van der Sluis




van der Sluis (chairman), Paardekooper, Spijker, Hundsdorfer (secretary)


Parallel computing (with special attention for presentday computer architectures)



Invited speakers: Hockney, McCormick, van der Vorst


Aspects of the finite-element method (with special attention for mixed finite elements)



Invited speakers: Marini, Verfürth, Wheeler




Spijker (chairman), Axelsson, Paardekooper, Hundsdorfer (secretary)


Spectral methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Deville, Fornberg, Maday


Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations – recent developments



Invited speakers: Hairer, Iserles, Sanz-Serna




Paardekooper (chairman), Dekker, van der Houwen, Sommeijer (secretary)


Solution of evolution problems with waveform-relaxation methods and other (parallel) methods



Invited speakers: Bellen, Butcher, Gear, Ruehli


Numerical methods for computing eigenvalues of large matrices,

in particular asymmetric matrices



Invited speakers: Chatelin, Elsner, Kagström




Dekker (chairman), Hemker, Traas, Sommeijer (secretary)


Multidimensional approximation, wavelets and applications in image processing



Invited speakers: Chui, Cohen, Mulansky


Adaptive grid methods for partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Flaherty, Johnson, Mayers




Hemker (chairman), Mattheij, Axelsson, Paardekooper, Sommeijer (secretary)


Convergence-acceleration techniques: extrapolation and continuation methods



Invited speakers: Brezinski, Georg, Sidi


Inverse problems in differential equations



Invited speakers: Chavent, Kunisch, Viergever




Mattheij (chairman), de Groot, van der Vorst, van Veldhuizen, Sommeijer (secretary)


Various aspects of high-performance computing and networking



Invited speakers: Joppich, Keyes, Vandewalle, Wijshoff


Differential-algebraic equations



Invited speakers: Führer, Hairer




De Groot (chairman), Mattheij, Veldman, van der Vorst, Kok (secretary)


Domain decomposition for iterative methods



Invited speakers: Chan, le Tallec, Widlund


Long-term approximations for dynamical systems



Invited speakers: Bengtsson, Laminie, Pascal, Roe




Veldman (chairman), van der Houwen, van der Vorst, Kok (secretary)


Iterative methods for linear systems with strongly asymmetric matrices



Invited speakers: Forsyth, Huckle, Saad


Numerical methods for transport equations



Invited speakers: Jeltsch, Leonard, Williamson




van der Houwen (chairman), Roose, Wesseling, Kok (secretary)


Nonlinear boundary-value problems (with emphasis on aspects such as

continuation methods and bifurcation)



Invited speakers: Doedel, Keller, Mittelmann


Generalized eigenvalue problems and singular-value decomposition



Invited speakers: Edelman, Sorensen


Numerical treatment of financial models







Wesseling (chairman), Roose, Spijker, Kok (secretary)


Aspects of the integration of initial-value problems



Invited speakers: Burrage, Stuart, Zennaro


Wavelets and hierarchical bases



Invited speakers: Antoine, Dahmen, Oswald




Schilders (chairman), Roose, Veldman, Lioen (secretary)


Boundary-value treatment for partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Causon, De Zeeuw, Kothe


Developments in optimization



Invited speakers: Andersen, Roos, Ta'asan, Toint




De Groen (chairman), van der Houwen, van der Vorst, Kok (secretary)


Large-scale linear algebra and model reduction



Invited speakers: Frommer, Trefethen, Van Dooren


Review and perspective of numerical analysis of ordinary differential equations



Invited speakers: Lubich, Spijker, Wanner


After-dinner speech







Vanden Berghe (chairman), Cuyt, Veldman, Kok (secretary)


Discontinuous Galerkin systems



Invited speakers: Cockburn, Rebay, van der Vegt


Symbolic-numerical techniques



Invited speakers: Corless, Emiris, Neumaier




van der Vorst (chairman), van der Vegt, Verwer, Kok (secretary)


Finite elements: adaptive grids (hp-adaptivity)



Invited speakers: Ainsworth, Flaherty, Schwab


Finite elements: applications and solution methods (among which preconditioning,

direct solution methods and iterative solution methods)



Invited speakers: Fischer, Hackbusch, Wathen




van der Vegt (chairman), Roose, Verwer, Kok (secretary)


Moving-boundary problems



Invited speakers: Abgrall, Osher, Tryggvason


Matrix functions



Invited speakers: Demmel, Higham, Mehrmann




Verwer (chairman), Reusken, van der Vegt, Kok (secretary)


Computational electromagnetics



Invited speakers: Demkowicz, Hiptmair, Monk


Geometrical integration of ordinary and partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Hairer, Leimkuhler, Skeel




Roose (chairman), Mattheij, Reusken, Kok (secretary)


Convection-diffusion-reaction equations



Invited speakers: Deconinck, Stynes, Axelsson, van Leer


Signal analysis and image processing



Invited speakers: Chan, Holschneider, Modersitzki




Veldman (chairman), Schilders, van der Vegt, Kok (secretary)


Model reduction



Invited speakers: Benner, Freund, Hinze


High-order discretization methods



Invited speakers: Deville, Shu, Steinberg




van der Vegt (chairman), Bijl, Koren, Vandewalle, Kok (secretary)


Coupled heterogeneous problems



Invited speakers: Farhat, Wall, Wohlmuth


Numerical optimization techniques



Invited speakers: Bandler, Borzì, Pironneau




Bijl (chairman), Schilders, Stevenson, Nool (secretary)


Numerical solution of high-dimensional problems



Invited speakers: Mohlenkamp, Cools, Schwab





Invited speakers: Sherwin, Gerbeau, Formaggia




Oosterlee (chairman), Schilders, Verwer, Nool (secretary)


Recent developments in iterative methods



Invited speakers: Hochbruck, Silvester, Simoncini


Numerical methods and stochastics in applications



Invited speakers: Reich, Elman, Burrage


After-dinner speech







Veldman (chairman), Bisseling, Koren, Vuik, Nool (secretary)


Parallel numerical linear algebra



Invited speakers: Patrick Amestoy, Peter Arbenz, Alex Pothen


Immersed boundary methods and Cartesian grids



Invited speakers: Gianluca Iaccarino, Petros Koumoutsakos, Rajat Mittal




Koren (chairman), Frank, Oosterlee, Stevenson, Nool (secretary)


Numerical methods for image processing



Invited speakers: Per Christian Hansen, Justin Romberg, Irad Yavneh


Mimetic discretizations



Invited speakers: Pavel Bochev, Alain Bossavit, Blair Perot




Vuik (chairman), Oosterlee, Roose, Veldman, Nool (secretary)


Adjoint methods and optimization



Invited speakers: Michele Benzi, Andrea Walther, Enrique Zuazua


From particle models to continuum models



Invited speakers: Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni, Claude Le Bris, Scott MacLachlan




van Brummelen (chairman), Kraaijevanger, Vandewalle, van der Vegt, Nool (secretary)


Adaptive finite-element methods



Invited speakers: Ricardo Nochetto, Serge Prudhomme, Pavel Solin


Inverse problems and uncertainty quantification



Invited speakers: Andrew Stuart, Olivier Le Maître, Youssef Marzouk




Veldman (chairman), Oosterlee, Van Daele, Vandewalle, Nool (secretary)


Domain decomposition and multi-physics



Invited speakers: Martin J. Gander, Axel Klawonn, Daniel Rixen


Strongly oscillatory behavior



Invited speakers: Simon N. Chandler-Wilde, Ivan Graham, Daan Huybrechs




Hundsdorfer (chairman), Oosterlee, Bisseling, Koren, Roose, Nool (secretary)


Fortieth Numerical Analysis Conference Woudschoten
Past, Present and Future of Scientific Computing



Invited speakers: Margot Gerritsen, Desmond J. Higham, Tamara G. Kolda,



Cleve Moler, Philip L. Roe, Gerhard Wanner


After-dinner speech



Gerard Alberts








Roose (chairman), van der Vegt, Vandewalle, Nool (secretary), Anholt (secretary)



Numerical methods for big data analytics



invited speakers: Peter Richtarik, George Karypis



Monte Carlo methods for partial and stochastic differential equations



invited speakers: Frances Kuo, Michael Tretyakov



Mixed finite-element methods



Invited speakers: Douglas N. Arnold, Daniele Boffi









van der Vegt (chairman), Vuik, Oosterlee, Anholt (secretary)



Eigenvalue problems



invited speakers: Francoise Tisseur, Karl Meerbergen



Numerical techniques for social media and network problems



Invited speakers: Hans de Sterck, Nelly Litvak



Semi-smooth Newton methods



Invited speakers: Karl Kunisch, Michael Ulbrich






 Vandewalle (chairman), Koren, Bisseling, Anholt (secretary)



Multilevel Monte Carlo methods



invited speakers: Aretha Teckentrup, Raul F. Tempone



Recent developments in time-integration methods for ordinary and

partial differential equations



Invited speakers: Rob Falgout, Giovanni Samaey



Sparse direct linear solvers



Invited speakers: Jennifer Scott, Xiaoye Sherry Li 






Schilders (chairman), van der Vegt, Crommelin, Anholt (secretary)



Model order reduction for parametric systems



Invited speakers: Gianluigi Rozza, Karen Veroy-Grepl



Adaptivity and a-posteriori error estimation for the finite element method



Invited speakers: Carsten Carstensen, Emmanuil Georgouiis



Numerical methods in deep learning



Invited speakers: Gitta Kutyniok, Daniel Pelt, Anastasia Borovykh






 Pop (chairman), van Gijzen, Schlottbom, Koren, Anholt (secretary)


Inverse Problems and Imaging


Invited speakers: Carola Schoenlieb, Barbara Kaltenbacher


Rigorous multiscale methods for partial differential equations


Invited speakers: Patrick Henning, Yalchin Efendiev


Randomized numerical linear algebra


Invited speakers: Petros Drineas, Per-Gunnar Martinsson

2022   Meerbergen (chair), Bertrand, Koren, Lord, Möller, Veroy-Grepl, Anholt (secretary)

    Scientific Computing and Machine Learning

    Invited speakers: Weinan E, Petros Koumoutsakos

    Quantum Computing

    Invited speakers:Oleksandr Kyriienko, Ashley Montanaro

    Probabilistic Numerical Methods for ODE's and PDE's


 Invited speakers: Mark Girolami (cancelled), Catherine Powell


Dubinkina (chair), Oosterlee, van Gijzen, Koren, Anholt (secretary)

    High Performance Scientific Computing
    Invited speakers: Laura Grigori, Gerhard Wellein
    Data Assimilation
    Invited speakers: Sebastian Reich, Susana Gomes
    Numerical Solution of Stochastic Optimal control

Invited speakers: Jean Francois Chassagneux, Peter Forsyth


Koren (chair), Meerbergen, ten Thije Boonkkamp, Scarabosio

    Rational Approximation
    Invited speakers: Bernhard Beckermann, Stefan Güttel 
    Computational Mathematics of Life Sciences
    Invited speakers: Susanna Röblitz, Marie Rognes
    Computational Optics
    Invited speakers: Martijn Anthonissen, Boris Thibert