UPDATE: SCS Spring meeting and SCS 49th Woudschoten meeting 2025
Please mark the date of our next Spring meeting, 13 June at Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek. More information about the speakers will follow soon. We hope to see you all there.
We are also happy to announce that six speakers have confirmed to lecture at the 2025 Woudschoten Conference, 24-26 September 2025, two for each of the three conference themes.
The conference themes and lecturers are:
Robust Iteration Methods for Non-linear PDEs
- Florian Adrian Radu (University Bergen, Norway)
- Martin Vohralik (Inria, France
Scientific Machine Learning
- Virginie Ehrlager (Inria, France)
- Felix Dietrich (TUM, Germany)
Geometric Integration
- Mathieu Desbrun (Inria, France)
- Elena Celledoni (NTNU, Norway)
Further details of the program will follow later and can be found on the website or you can contact me via
Organizing committee Woudschoten 2025: Marc Gerritsma (TU Delft, chair), Tomasz Tyranowski ( Twente University), Victorita Dolean Maini (TU Eindhoven), Benjamin Sanderse (CWI), Sorin Pop (Hasselt University) Jason Frank (Utrecht University) and Martine Anholt (CWI, secretary)
Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2025
Dear all,
This is a final call to register for the Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2025 (SWI2025), taking place January 27-31, 2025, at Utrecht University. Full descriptions of all contributed problems can be found under:
To register, please complete the following registration form:
We kindly request participants requesting accommodation to register before Friday, January 10, 23:59 CET. We look forward to welcoming you to SWI2025!
Best wishes on behalf of the organizers,
Chiheb Ben Hammouda, Martin Bootsma, Sjoerd Dirksen, Jason Frank, Artem Kaznatcheev, Ivan Kryven, Cristian Spitoni.
*** Invitation 183rd European Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2025, Utrecht ***
Date/location: January 27 - 31, 2025, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Since 1968, the Study Group Mathematics with Industry has brought together mathematicians and companies. Following the original Oxford model, about 60 mathematicians, ranging from PhD students to full professors, spend a week working on real life problems, presented to them by companies on Monday morning. During five busy days these problems are discussed, modelled, analysed, and computed, and results are presented on Friday.
We have acquired 6 problems from companies from different sectors and requiring a wide range of mathematical expertise for their solution. Companies proposing problems are: CBS (Statistics Netherlands), Jasco Applied Sciences bv, RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), Sanofi, SVI (Scientific Volume Imaging), UMCU (Utrecht University Medical Center).
You are kindly invited to participate. Please check our website for more information.
Registration through the SWI 2025 website is compulsory due to capacity constraints. We can reimburse hotel costs for a limited number of participants.
Utrecht University
Mathematical Institute
Budapestlaan 6
3584 CD Utrecht
The Netherlands
Registration and abstract submission for the second edition of the Dutch Computational Science day (DUCOMS), are open!
Dear colleagues,
Registration and abstract submission for the second edition of the Dutch Computational Science day (DUCOMS), are open! DUCOMS will take place at Jaarbeurs Utrecht on November 12, 2024. Everyone active and/or interested in computational science is invited to register and submit an abstract for a talk or poster through the DUCOMS 2024 web page.
DUCOMS brings together computational science professionals from all disciplines and career levels, from both academia and industry. The event addresses the strategic focus areas of the National Agenda for Computational Science and includes interdisciplinary keynote presentations, as well as parallel and poster sessions on the following focus areas:
- Machine learning
- Data-drive methods
- Multi-scale modeling and simulation
- Uncertainty analysis
- Energy-efficient computing
Confirmed invited speakers include Rianne van den Berg (Microsoft Research), Bruno Sudret (ETH Zurich), Samdi Hamdioui (TUD), Dirk Hartmann (Siemens), Peter Coveney (UCL, UvA), Claudia Filippi (UT), Sanne Abeln (UU), Hessel Winsemius (Deltares, Rainbow Sensing), and Christoph Brune (UT).
Conference details
Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024
Location: Jaarbeurs Utrecht
Time (indicative): 9:30 – 18:00
Registration fee: € 100,- (early bird); € 125,- (late bird)
Target audience: computational science professionals from industry or academia, across all disciplines and career levels
Deadlines: September 16, 2024 (abstract submission); October 7, 2024 (early-bird registration)
Organizing Committee
Johan Mentink (RU)
Irene Bonati (SURF)
Nicolas Renaud (NLeSC)
Alfons Hoekstra (UvA)
Kees Vuik (TUD)
Scientific Committee
Arthur van Dam (Deltares)
Georgy Gaydadjiev (TUD)
Ioana Ilie (UvA)
Willem Jan Knibbe (WUR)
Tim Offermans (FrieslandCampina)
Benjamin Sanderse (CWI)
Lambert Schomaker (RUG)
Erika Tsingos (UM)
Karen Veroy-Grepl (TUE)
Kind regards,
Arthur van Dam
Registration for the 3-day workshop "The numerical brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications” is now possible
Registration to the autumn school within the CWI Semester Program on Uncertainty Quantification for high-dimensional problems is now open!
Registration to the autumn school within the CWI Semester Program on Uncertainty Quantification for high-dimensional problems is now open!
for more information and link to the registration form.
Peter Coveney (UvA/University College London)
Richard Dwight (TU Delft)
Wouter Edeling (CWI)
Olga Mula (TU Eindhoven)
Laura Scarabosio (Radboud University)
Call for submission for the CWI Best Thesis in Applied Math Award 2024
Call for submission for the CWI Best Thesis in Applied Math Award 2024
Graduates (HBO/BSc, WO/MSc) in applied mathematics and their supervisors are invited to submit high quality theses on any topic in applied mathematics.
Does your thesis comply with the following criteria?
- The thesis was written as part of a MSc-program at a Dutch university (WO) or a BSc-program at a university of applied sciences (HBO).
- The thesis has been written in close cooperation with an external, non-educational party, like a company, a government agency, or a hospital.
- The thesis has a clear applied mathematical focus and must contain original theoretical and/or empirical work.
- The thesis was finalized (submitted and graded) in the period between June 1st, 2023, and July 31st, 2024, and has not been submitted before.
If your thesis meets these criteria and if you are available for the Math4NL Community Event on October 11, then your submission is eligible for consideration for the CWI Best Thesis in Applied Math Award 2024.
The jury, consisting of members with a track record in applied mathematics, will assess the theses and select three finalists for the MSc-prize and three finalists for the BSc-prize. The three finalists in each category will pitch their thesis during the Math4NL Community Event. During this event, the winner will be chosen by a jury of three top level mathematical professionals.
The author of the winning thesis in each of the two categories will receive an award and €500. The two runners-up in each category will both receive €100. The registration fee for the Math Community Event will be reimbursed for all three candidates.
Submissions must be received before August 1st, 2024. Candidates can submit their thesis by emailing a PDF version of the thesis to the Dutch Platform for Mathematics ( ), together with the names of the external party and university/HBO involved and the name of the supervisor on behalf of the university/HBO. Please indicate:
- Whether you submit for the HBO/BSc category or the WO/MSc category.
- Whether some form of confidentiality applies to the thesis. Please note that if you are a finalist, you are expected to present the work and a summary of your work will be published.
- Whether you are available to pitch your thesis at the Math4NL Community Event on October 11th.
- A recommendation from your thesis supervisor is optional. It will not be considered in the evaluation.
The 2024 edition is sponsored by:
- CWI, the Research Institute for Mathematics & Computer Science in the Netherlands (CWI)
- Chipsoft, Innovative software solutions for healthcare.
- Phalanxes, Tailor made business innovation and integration in times of constant change.
Additional information can be found at There, you can also find information about the last three previous editions.
For questions, please contact .
On behalf of the Innovation Committee of the Dutch Platform for Mathematics,
Mark Roest
CWI Semester Program on Uncertainty Quantification for high-dimensional problems
We would like to draw your attention to the CWI Semester Program on Uncertainty Quantification for high-dimensional problems, which will take place in Fall 2024 at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Amsterdam).
This is a great opportunity to connect with the international community and learn more about recent developments in the field. The program will feature an autumn school (7-11 October), a workshop (11-15 November) and hybrid seminars.
Please visit for more information and for further updates on the registration process.
We look forward to seeing many of you in Amsterdam!
Kind regards,
The organizers:
Peter Coveney (UvA/University College London)
Richard Dwight (TU Delft)
Wouter Edeling (CWI)
Olga Mula (TU Eindhoven)
Laura Scarabosio (Radboud University)
Register now for the 2024 SCS Spring meeting in Groningen
Friday May 24th 2024, the Dutch-Flemish Scientific Computing Society is organizing, together with Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, its annual spring meeting. Registration for the SCS Spring Meeting 2024 is now open.
More information about this years speakers can be found on the website
Here you can also find the precise location and other information.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. A lunch will be provided.
Please register before May 13 by filling in the form on the website.
In case of questions, please contact Martine Anholt (
We hope to see you at the SCS Spring Meeting 2024 in Groningen.
Themes and lecturers Woudschoten Conference 25-27 September 2024
We are happy to announce that six speakers have confirmed to lecture at the 2024 Woudschoten Conference, 25-27 September 2024, two for each of the three conference themes.
The conference themes and lecturers are:
Rational Approximation:
- Bernhard Beckermann (U Lille)
- Stefan Güttel (U Manchester)
Computational Mathematics of Life Sciences:
- Susanna Röblitz (University of Bergen)
- Marie Rognes (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
Computational Optics:
- Martijn Anthonissen (TU Eindhoven)
- Boris Thibert (U Grenoble Alpes)
Further details of the program will follow later. Please mark the dates in your calendar.
Organizing committee Woudschoten 2024: Barry Koren (TU Eindhoven, chair), Karl Meerbergen (KU Leuven), Laura Scarabosio (RU Nijmegen), Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp (TU Eindhoven), Martine Anholt (CWI, secretary)
Confirmed speakers Spring Meeting Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Friday 24 May 2024
We are happy to announce that the following speakers have confirmed to lecture at the 2024 Spring Meeting, Friday 24 May 2024, at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Fred Vermolen (University of Hasselt)
Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp (Technical University Eindhoven)
Francesc Verdugo Rojano (VU Amsterdam)
Vanja Nicolic (Radboud University)
Carolina Urzúa-Torres (Technical University Delft)
Richard Stevens (Twente University)
Francesca Cavallini (VU Amsterdam)
Toon Ingelaere (KU Leuven)
Balint Negyesi (Technical University Delft)
Abstracts, short bio and further details of the program will follow soon. Please mark the date in your calendar and check our website regularly, for more information.
On the website you can also find hotel options close to the venue.
24 May 2024 Springmeeting at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Friday 24 May, 2024, our annual Spring Meeting will be held at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
The meeting will be in the House of Connections, Grote Markt 21, 9712 HR Groningen.
Further information about the program and speakers will follow soon.
See for impressions of preceding Spring Meetings.
Kind regards,
Fred Wubs and Martine Anholt
Scientific Machine Learning: semester programme CWI kicking off
Announcement for various events at the TU Delft
Please find below an announcement for various events at the TU Delft:
1. The next GPU course will be held on July 3 & 4, 2023. The registration is open until June 26, 2023. For more details see:
2. On June 30 an OpenFOAM course is held:
3. On 6 July, 2023 there will be again an OpenFOAM Event at the TU Delft organized by the Dutch OpenFOAM user group. 4 speakers will give a talk on how OpenFOAM can be used for various applications. For more info see:
Kees Vuik
Delft University of Technology
Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics
Mekelweg 4, 2628CD Delft, Netherlands
T +31 (0)15 27 85530
Call for submission for the CWI Best Thesis in Applied Math Award 2023
Graduates (HBO/BSc, WO/MSc) in applied mathematics and their supervisors are invited to submit high quality theses on any topic in applied mathematics.
- The thesis was written as part of a master program at a Dutch university (WO) or a bachelor program at a university of applied sciences (HBO).
- The thesis has been written in close cooperation with an external, non-educational party, like a company, a government agency, or a hospital.
- The thesis has a clear applied mathematical focus and must contain original theoretical and/or empirical work.
- The thesis was finalised (submitted and graded) in the period between May 1st, 2022, and July 31st, 2023, and not submitted before.
- Whether you submit for the HBO/BSc category or the WO/MSc category.
- Whether some form of confidentiality applies to the thesis. Please not that at least part of the work must be open for publication: if you are a finalist, you are expected to present the work and a summary of your work will be published.
The author of the winning thesis in each of the two categories will receive an award and €350. The runners-up in each category will both receive €200. Expenses for the Math Community Event will be reimbursed for all three candidates.
The 2023 edition is sponsored by the Research Institute for Mathematics & Computer Science in the Netherlands (CWI) and by Chipsoft, a company that develops software for healthcare.
The award is organized by the Innovation Committee of the Dutch Platform for Mathematics. For additional information please contact Mark Roest, the chairman of the Innovation Committee ( Information about the finalists of the 2021 and 2022 editions can be found at
Register now for the 2023 Woudschoten Conference 27-29 September
We are pleased to announce the registration for the 47th Woudschoten Conference, to be held from 27-29 September, is now open.
Themes and speakers of the 2023 Woudschoten Conference are:
1. High Performance Scientific Computing
Laura Grigori (INRIA)
Gerhard Wellein (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU))
2. Data Assimilation
Sebastian Reich (University of Potsdam)
Susana Gomes (University of Warwick)
3. Numerical Solution of Stochastic Optimal control
Jean Francois Chassagneux (Université Paris Cité)
Peter Forsyth (University of Waterloo)
You can register via the form on the conference registration page:
Note: You will be asked to pay directly at the registration, with iDEAL, Mister Cash or credit card.
Please have your payment ready. iDEAL or Mister Cash are preferred.
If you will stay for one night only, please e-mail to tell if this is Wednesday or Thursday night. If your institute is not on the list, please let know.
More information about the prices and packages can be found here:
We are very grateful to our sponsors. More news about the program will follow.
If you have questions about the registration, feel free to contact
call for participation in NMC-2023
Dear young members of the Dutch-Flemish Scientific Computing Society,
Registration open; SCS Spring Meeting 31 May at TU/Eindhoven
Wednesday 31 May 2023, the Dutch-Flemish Scientific Computing Society is organizing, together with Eindhoven University of Technology, its yearly Spring Meeting.
Registration for the meeting is open.
The program, including titles, abstracts, information about the speakers and the location, is available at
Participation is free of charge, but registration is obligatory. A free lunch will be provided.
Please register before 20 May by filling in the form on the website.
No-shows will be charged 25 euros if your registration is not canceled before 23 May.
Questions? Please contact Martine Anholt (
Organizing committee;
Barry Koren (TU Eindhoven) and Martine Anholt (CWI, Secretary SCS).
We hope to see you at the Spring Meeting in Eindhoven.
Martine Anholt
Open Access: Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
I am happy to announce that our book:
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
is now available from TU Delft Open.
This text book has been used for more than 20 years to teach numerical methods for ordinary differential equations to applied mathematics and engineering students.
For the book see:
In a couple of days also a hard copy of the book can be ordered from this site.
best regards,
Kees Vuik
NMC 2023, April 11-12, Utrecht
Save the date!
NMC Scientific Days, 11 & 12 April 2023
The next Nederlands Mathematics Congres (NMC, Dutch Mathematical Congress) will take place on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 April. Next to three interesting keynote speakers, the Brouwer medal will be awarded. Other elements of the programme will be sessions by the Mathematics Clusters, Gravitation programmes and AIM, inspiring workshops for PhD students, Speed dates with Industry and a poster competition.
The Scientific Machine Learning programme
The Scientific Machine Learning programme is currently being set-up, but you can already mark in your agenda the week of October 9-13, in which an Autumn School is organised at CWI (in collaboration with NDNS+ and 4TU.AMI), aimed at graduate students, with fascinating lectures on topics like reduced-order models, neural differential equations, and physics-informed machine learning.
SIAM CSE 2023 conference: early bird registration
Dear colleagues,
7 weeks from now, the SIAM CSE 2023 will start in the RAI, Amsterdam. We are expecting 2200+ participants, and will have 420 mini-symposia plus many nice events during the conference. You will be able to meet many respected colleagues, and listen to 8 renowned keynote speakers, plus the 4 prize winners of SIAM prizes.
The early bird registration fees will end on January 15, after that the fees will be 100 Euros higher. So, if you are planning to attend, register now! We look forward to seeing many Dutch and Flemish mathematicians at this major event, the largest maths conference ever in The Netherlands.
Best wishes,
The co-chairs of CSE23: Wil Schilders, Karen Devine, Dirk Hartmann
Join the hackathon at SIAM CSE 2023 in Amsterdam
Dear colleagues, especially the young talented ones!
From February 27 till March 3, 2023, the SIAM 2023 conference on Computational Science and Engineering will be held in Amsterdam. Prior to the conference, a hackathon will be held with challenges from 6 major companies. If you are interested in this, please register on the website indicated. We will select 150 of the best students to participate in the hackathon.
Best wishes,
Wil Schilders, chair of SIAM CSE 2023
Registration for SIAM CSE 2023 open now
Dear colleagues,
Registration for the SIAM CSE 2023, held in the RAI Congress Centre from Feb 26 till Mar 3, 2023, is open now. Please visit the website if you are planning to attend! We hope to see many of you at the conference, with more than 2200 participants.
Best regards,
Wil Schilders, chair of SIAM CSE 2023
Dirk Hartmann, co-chair
Karen Devine, co-chair
Wil Schilders wins award
The NWO Stairway to Impact Award is granted to a person who is very active and effective in using science to tackle societal problems and to strengthen Dutch economy.
Wil satisfies the criteria for this award in very broad terms. A few examples:
- Within the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wil acquired and successfully led very many industry-oriented research projects and he has set up the Project Development Office.
- Nationally, as director of the Platform Wiskunde Nederland, he undertook various activities for mathematics in the Netherlands, from setting up the national Sectorplan Beta en Techniek for mathematics institutes at Dutch universities, to acquiring funding for the nice mathematics journal Pythagoras for children.
- Internationally, as president of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry he has been very active in strengthening applied mathematics in Europe.
Although Wil is not far from his retirement (this morning he indicated not to know the meaning of this word 😉), he is still very active. He is always working on challenging projects and events, for instance:
Three months from now, Wil will organize the Computational Science and Engineering Conference of SIAM. The conference will be held in Amsterdam, for the first time outside the USA, with as expected number of participants: 2200. Registration is open:
In October 2023, Wil will become president of ICIAM, an influential position.
Meanwhile, he still finds time to supervise students, to teach mathematics now and then, to write Sudoku books for the general public, and more.
Congratulations with the award Wil, very well deserved!
Barry Koren
National Agenda for Computational Sciences
Dear all,
On October 5th, the National Agenda for Computational Sciences has been presented to the Director of Innovation and Knowledge at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. I think this is an important development for our community.
For more information about this event see:
The Dutch version of the National Agenda is available:
an English version will follow soon.
During the network meeting on 18 October we will discuss various aspects of the National Agenda for Computational Sciences and how to grow as a community. For the Network Meeting I refer to:
best regards,
Kees Vuik
Call for Mini-tutorials SIAM CSE 2023
SIAM is seeking proposals for minitutorials to be presented at the 2023 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), February 26-March 3, 2023 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Please see for more details, including how to submit. The deadline for minitutorial proposals is October 18, 2022. For all conference details, including conference themes, go to:
The SIAM CSE conference seeks to enable in-depth technical discussions on a wide variety of major computational efforts on large-scale problems in science and engineering, foster the interdisciplinary culture required to meet these large-scale challenges, and promote the training of the next generation of computational scientists.
best regards,
Kees Vuik
Mathematics exhibition Imaginary
This morning, Wil Schilders (TU Eindhoven) was interviewed by the Dutch national radio broadcasting,, between 7-8 AM, shortly before 8 AM, starting at about 54:30, on the occasion of today's opening of the traveling mathematics exhibition Imaginary,
Beautiful exhibition, organized by Paul Igodt (KU Leuven) and Wil Schilders, which will travel in Flanders and the Netherlands!
Register now for the SCS Spring Meeting 2022, at KU Leuven.
Friday May 6th 2022, the Scientific Computing Society is organizing, together with the Department of Computer Science from the KU Leuven, its yearly spring meeting.
The program, including titles and abstracts, is available at the website
Here you can also find more information about the speakers and location.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is obligatory. A free lunch will be provided.
Please register before April 29th by filling in the form on the website.
Because of the high number of no-shows in previous years, we decided to charge 25,00 euros if your registration is not canceled in time.
Questions? Please contact Martine Anholt (mailto:
Organizing committee;
Karl Meerbergen (KU Leuven), Barry Koren (TU Eindhoven) and Martine Anholt (CWI, Secretary SCS).
We hope to see you all at the Spring Meeting in Leuven.
2022 Spring Meeting at KU Leuven 6 May 2022
2022 Woudschoten conference
Woudschoten Conference 5- 7 October 2022
Themes and speakers of the 2022 Woudschoten Conference are:
1. Scientific Computing and Machine Learning
Weinan E, Princeton University
Petros Koumoutsakos, Harvard University
2. Quantum Computing
Oleksandr Kyriienko, University of Exeter
Ashley Montanaro, University of Bristol
3. Probabilistic Numerical Methods for ODE's and PDE's
Mark Girolami, University of Cambridge
Catherine Powell, University of Manchester
The members of the organizing committee of Woudschoten 2022 are:
- Martine Anholt (CWI, secretary)
- Fleur Bertrand (U Twente)
- Barry Koren (TU/e)
- Gabriel Lord (RU Nijmegen
- Karl Meerbergen (KU Leuven, chair)
- Matthias Moeller (TU Delft)
- Karen Veroy-Grepl (TU/e)