Themes and lecturers Woudschoten Conference 25-27 September 2024
We are happy to announce that six speakers have confirmed to lecture at the 2024 Woudschoten Conference, 25-27 September 2024, two for each of the three conference themes.
The conference themes and lecturers are:
Rational Approximation:
- Bernhard Beckermann (U Lille)
- Stefan Güttel (U Manchester)
Computational Mathematics of Life Sciences:
- Susanna Röblitz (University of Bergen)
- Marie Rognes (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
Computational Optics:
- Martijn Anthonissen (TU Eindhoven)
- Boris Thibert (U Grenoble Alpes)
Further details of the program will follow later. Please mark the dates in your calendar.
Organizing committee Woudschoten 2024: Barry Koren (TU Eindhoven, chair), Karl Meerbergen (KU Leuven), Laura Scarabosio (RU Nijmegen), Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp (TU Eindhoven), Martine Anholt (CWI, secretary)