Registration and abstract submission for the second edition of the Dutch Computational Science day (DUCOMS), are open!

DUCOMS will take place at Jaarbeurs Utrecht on November 12, 2024. Everyone active and/or interested in computational science is invited to register and submit an abstract for a talk or poster through the DUCOMS 2024 web page.

Dear colleagues,

Registration and abstract submission for the second edition of the Dutch Computational Science day (DUCOMS), are open! DUCOMS will take place at Jaarbeurs Utrecht on November 12, 2024. Everyone active and/or interested in computational science is invited to register and submit an abstract for a talk or poster through the DUCOMS 2024 web page.

DUCOMS brings together computational science professionals from all disciplines and career levels, from both academia and industry. The event addresses the strategic focus areas of the National Agenda for Computational Science and includes interdisciplinary keynote presentations, as well as parallel and poster sessions on the following focus areas:

  • Machine learning
  • Data-drive methods
  • Multi-scale modeling and simulation
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Energy-efficient computing


Confirmed invited speakers include Rianne van den Berg (Microsoft Research), Bruno Sudret (ETH Zurich), Samdi Hamdioui (TUD), Dirk Hartmann (Siemens), Peter Coveney (UCL, UvA), Claudia Filippi (UT), Sanne Abeln (UU), Hessel Winsemius (Deltares, Rainbow Sensing), and Christoph Brune (UT).


Conference details

Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024

Location: Jaarbeurs Utrecht

Time (indicative): 9:30 – 18:00

Registration fee: € 100,- (early bird); € 125,- (late bird)

Target audience:  computational science professionals from industry or academia, across all disciplines and career levels

Deadlines: September 16, 2024 (abstract submission); October 7, 2024 (early-bird registration)


Organizing Committee

Johan Mentink (RU)

Irene Bonati (SURF)

Nicolas Renaud (NLeSC)

Alfons Hoekstra (UvA)

Kees Vuik (TUD)


Scientific Committee

Arthur van Dam (Deltares) 

Georgy Gaydadjiev (TUD) 

Ioana Ilie (UvA) 

Willem Jan Knibbe (WUR) 

Tim Offermans (FrieslandCampina) 

Benjamin Sanderse (CWI) 

Lambert Schomaker (RUG) 

Erika Tsingos (UM) 

Karen Veroy-Grepl (TUE)


Kind regards,

Arthur van Dam