Registration for the 3-day workshop "The numerical brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications” is now possible

Registration for the 3-day workshop "The numerical brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications” is now possible, and will remain open until the 7th of October via the following form
Registration for the 3-day workshop "The numerical brain: forward and inverse problems in neuroscience applications” is now possible, and will remain open until the 7th of October via the following form
The workshop brings together an international network of researchers focused on developing numerical methods for simulating brain processes and inferring parameters or states. It will be held on the 21-23 October 202, and you can find more details on our webpage:
Registration to the event is free of charge but mandatory, with the option of purchasing a ticket for the social dinner on the 22nd of October. 
PhD and Postdocs can submit a lightning presentation (max 5 mins) following the instructions on our website.
We look forward to hosting you in Amsterdam,
The organisers,
Daniele Avitabile and Svetlana Dubinkina