2024 Meeting

This years the Dutch-Flemish Scientific Computing Societies (SCS) Springmeeting took place Friday May 24, 2024, at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. A mix of junior and senior researchers presented their research.

House of Connections
Grote Markt 21
9712 HR Groningen

Organizing committee:

Fred Wubs (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Barry Koren (Eindhoven University of Technology) and Martine Anholt (CWI, Secretary SCS).


09:30-10:00 Registration, coffee and tea
10:00-10:40 Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp (Eindhoven University of Technology)
10:40-11:05 Balint Negyesi (Delft University of Technology)
11:05-11:30 Vanja Nikolić (Radboud University)
11:30-12:00 Coffee and tea break
12:00-12:25 Miriam Löcke (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
12:25-12:50 Richard Stevens (University of Twente)
12:50-13:00 Group picture
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:25 Carolina Urzúa-Torres (Delft University of Technology)
14:25-14:50 Toon Ingelaere (KU Leuven)
14:50-15:20 Coffee and tea break
15:20-15:45 Francesc Verdugo Rojano (VU Amsterdam)
15:45-16:25 Fred Vermolen (Hasselt University)
16:25-16:30 Closing




More pictures from an excellent day can be found here.



  Fred Vermolen (Hasselt University)

Fred Vermolen is a professor in the Mathematics and Statistics Department (CMAT) and the Data Science Institute (DSI) at the Hasselt University in Belgium. His research treats topics from mathematical modelling and computational mathematics. Most of the applications are on medical biology such as tumors, cancer and deep tissue injury. The biological nature of the problems need a partial differential equations approach, as well as uncertainty assessment due to the lack of information regarding parameter values. His previous positions were associate and assistant professorships at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics. He still holds a guest position there, as well as a guest position at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. He obtained his PhD degree on the topic of moving boundary problems (Stefan problems), mathematical models for particle dissolution in aluminium alloys, under the supervision of Prof. Vuik.


Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp is associate professor at Eindhoven University of Technology, heading the Computational Illumination Optics group, and visiting professor at IIT Kanpur. He has been working for many years on flux approximation schemes for conservation laws, with applications in simulation of laminar flames and plasmas. Approximately twelve years ago he supervised a project on illumination optics, and this was the start of a new research line on computational methods for optical design, in cooperation with Signify, formerly known as Philips Lighting. Typical research topics are numerical methods for fully nonlinear PDE describing the shape of an optical surface or Hamiltonian systems, describing the propagation of light in an optical system.


Francesc Verdugo Rojano (VU Amsterdam)
Francesc Verdugo is an assistant professor in the High Performance Distributed Computing group at the Department of Computer Science at VU Amsterdam. His research focuses on high-performance scientific computing, with a particular emphasis on the parallelization and efficient implementation of numerical schemes, such as finite element methods and solvers for sparse systems of linear algebraic equations. He is also active in the development of open-source scientific software projects, such as Gridap.jl and PartitionedArrays.jl, aiming to make his key research outputs accessible to the wider scientific computing community. F. Verdugo obtained his PhD degree at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and has been a postdoc at TU Münich and CIMNE before joining VU Amsterdam.


  Vanja Nikolić (Radboud University)

Vanja Nikolić is an assistant professor in the Applied Mathematics group at Radboud University. She received her PhD degree in 2015 from the University of Klagenfurt in Austria, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Münich until 2019. Her research expertise is in the mathematical and numerical analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations, with a particular focus on their applications in nonlinear acoustics.


Carolina Urzúa-Torres (Delft University of Technology)
Carolina Urzúa-Torres is an assistant professor in the Numerical Analysis group at TU Delft. She received a Veni grant for her project 'Space-time boundary integral equations for electromagnetics' in 2021. She obtained her PhD degree in May 2018 from ETH Zürich, worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Graz later in 2018, and then was a Hooke Research Fellow in the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford from 2019, until she started on her current position in September 2020. Her research interests include analyzing and developing numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, with a focus on acoustic and electromagnetic wave scattering.

Richard Stevens (University of Twente)

Richard Stevens is an associate professor in the Physics of Fluids group at the University of Twente. He has acquired an ERC starting and ERC consolidator grant. His research interests include computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing. His work focuses on the fundamental understanding of turbulent Rayleigh Benard convection and wind farm fluid mechanics.

  Miriam Löcke (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Miriam Löcke is a PhD student with Cristobal Bertoglio at the Computational Mathematics group at the University of Groningen. Her research centers around inverse problems form magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data and optimal experimental design.

Toon Ingelaere (KU Leuven)
After obtaining a master's degree in Mathematical Engineering in 2022, Toon Ingelaere accepted a position as a PhD researcher in the NUMA (Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics) division at KU Leuven, under supervision of Prof. Giovanni Samaey. His research centers around interacting-particle methods, inverse problems, uncertainty quantification and multilevel Monte Carlo. In 2023, he was awarded the second poster prize at the 47th Woudschoten conference.

  Balint Negyesi (Delft University of Technology)

Balint Negyesi is a PhD candidate in numerical analysis at the Department of Applied Mathematics of TU Delft, supervised by Kees Oosterlee (UU) and Mark Veraar (TU Delft). He received the Peter Paul Peterich scholarship for his doctoral studies. His research focuses on the numerical solution of high-dimensional backward stochastic differential equations and their applications in mathematical finance and stochastic control. His contributions include convergence analysis of discrete time approximation errors of novel discretization schemes, deep BSDE approximations for decoupled, coupled and discretely reflected high-dimensional FBSDE systems, and Fourier cosine expansion methods in classical settings.


Fred Vermolen
(Hasselt University)

Simulation of post-burned skin using principles from morphoelasticity
Each year the lives of hundreds of thousands people are heavily impacted by severe burn injuries. Although nowadays clinical technologies allow most patients to survive heavy burn traumas, these burn injuries often come with hypertrophic scars and contractures, which impair the mobility of patients. In order to minimize the impact to the patients, therapies based on principles such as dressings, ointments, splinting and skin grafting (skin transplantation) are applied. In order to optimize treatment, a quantitative description of the underlying biological mechanisms is needed and for this reason, mathematical models have been constructed. In this talk, we present a continuum-based model that is constructed with principles from morphoelasticity. Morphoelasticity is a mathematical formalism that simultaneously deals with elasticity and microstructural changes in the tissue. We will show some mathematical results regarding stability of the model, as well as neural network simulations that reproduce the simulations at very high computational speed.

Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp
(Eindhoven University of Technology)

Inverse methods for freeform optical design

Inverse methods for freeform optical design compute the shape of an optical surface (reflector/lens) that converts a given light source