Lectures of the Thirty-third Woudschoten Conference

Lectures of the Thirty-third Woudschoten Conference (2008)

The organising committee is very happy to present all lectures as shown on the Woudschoten conference 2008. The thirty-third Woudschoten Conference was held at the Woudschoten Conference Centre, Zeist, The Netherlands from 8-10 October 2008.

Prof. Luca Formaggia emphasizes that his notes are still preliminary and under revision. They are in fact the pre-prints of two chapters of a book he and his co-authors are editing. He gives them to the students with pleasure with the warning that typos are very likely, some mistakes can still be there, the English sometimes is weak since he has not yet checked it.

Numerical solution of high-dimensional problems

  • Martin J Mohlenkamp, Ohio University
    • Computing in high dimensions with sums of separable functions [lecture]
    • Approximating the wavefunction of the multiparticle Schrodinger equation [lecture]
  • Ronald Cools, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
    • The approximation of multivariate integrals [lecture]
    • Lattice rules for multivariate integration [lecture]
  • Christoph Schwab, ETH Zurich
    • Sparse Adaptive Tensor FEM for Operator Equations with Stochastic Data [lecture]
    • Convergence Rates of Stochastic Galerkin FEM for Elliptic SPDEs [lecture]


  • Spencer Sherwin, Imperial College London
    • Arteries and Algorithms: Reduced modelling of cardiovascular networks [lecture]
    • Arteries and Algorithms: Fluid-dynamics and mixing in arterial geometries [lecture]
  • Jean-Frederic Gerbeau, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
    • Fluid-structure interaction problems in the cardiovascular system [lecture]
    • Numerical simulation of the electrical activity of the heart [lecture]
  • Luca Formaggia, Politecnico di Milano

One-minute poster session: All participants were invited to present a poster concerning their research. Every presenter of a poster received a one-minute slot in the conference programme (in a plenary session) to attract the attention to his or her poster. See the PDF files the one-minute session.
The following posters were rated the best by a jury consisting of the keynote speakers under the leadingship of Hester Bijl:



Support: The Conferences of the Dutch-Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities are held yearly, organised by the Werkgemeenschap Scientific Computing (WSC) and the Scientific Research Community (WOG) ''Numerical methods for mathematical modelling''. Support is provided by the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and Research Foundation Flanders (FWO-Vlaanderen).

Organising committee 2008:
Prof. Hester Bijl (chair), Prof. Wil Schilders, Prof. Rob Stevenson, Drs. Margreet Nool (secretary)

Impression 2008:

Cools  diner1  diner2  Formaggia  foyer1

foyer2  Gerbeau  Molenkamp  postersessie1  postersessie2

Schwab  Sherwin