2025 Woudschoten conference
The Woudschoten Conference 2025, will be held 24 till 26 September 2025, this is the forty-ninth edition of the conference.
The organizing committee is happy to present the topics of the Woudschoten conference 2025.
Robust Iteration Methods for Non-linear PDEs
Scientific Machine Learning
Geometric Integration for Fluid Flows
More information will follow soon.
Organizing committee:
Organizing committee Woudschoten 2025: Marc Gerritsma (TU Delft, chair), Thomasz Tyranowski ( Twente University), Victorita Dolean Maini (TU Eindhoven), Benjamin Sanderse (CWI), Sorin Pop (Hasselt University) Jason Frank (Utrecht University) and Martine Anholt (CWI, secretary)
For information please contact the secretary of the organizing committee.
Martine Anholt
CWI- Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Science Park 123, room L309, 1098 XG Amsterdam
+31 20 592 4058/ numwisk@cwi.nl
Support this year is provided by the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI).
Financial support for this conference is provided by: tba