Lectures of the Thirty-ninth Woudschoten Conference

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Keynote speakers of the Woudschoten conference 2014 (f.l.t.r.):
Axel Klawonn, Daan Huybrechs, Martin Gander, Ivan Graham, Simon N. Chandler-Wilde and Daniel Rixen.

The organising committee is very happy to present the lectures as shown on the Woudschoten conference 2014. The thirty-ninth Woudschoten Conference was held at the Woudschoten Conference Centre, Zeist, The Netherlands from 8-10 October 2014.

  • Domain decomposition and multi-physics
    • Martin J. Gander (Switzerland)
      • From the Invention of the Schwarz method to the Best Current Methods for Oscillatory Problems: I [lecture]
      • From the Invention of the Schwarz method to the Best Current Methods for Oscillatory Problems: II [lecture]
    • Axel Klawonn (Germany)
      • Domain Decomposition Methods: Robustness, Parallel Scalability, and Nonlinear Approaches: I
      • Domain Decomposition Methods: Robustness, Parallel Scalability, and Nonlinear Approaches: II
    • Daniel Rixen (Germany)
      • Domain Decomposition solvers (FETI): a random walk in history and some current trends: I and II [lectures]
  • Highly-oscillatory problems
    Invited speakers:
    • Simon N. Chandler-Wilde (UK)
      • High Frequency Solution Behaviour in Wave Scattering Problems [lecture]
      • Hybrid Numerical-Asymptotic Methods for High Frequency Scattering Problems [lecture]
    • Ivan G. Graham (UK)
      • Error analysis and fast solvers for high-frequency scattering problems [lecture]
      • Shifted Laplace and related preconditioners for finite element approximations of the Helmholtz equation [lecture]
    • Daan Huybrechs (Belgium)
      • Numerical and asymptotic methods for highly oscillatory integrals [lecture]
      • Non-polynomial discretizations: coping with redundancy and ill-conditioning [lecture]


One-minute poster session: All participants were invited to present a poster concerning their research. Every presenter of a poster received a one-minute slot in the conference programme (in a plenary session) to attract the attention to his or her poster. See the PDF files the one-minute session.

The following posters were rated the best by a jury consisting of the keynote speakers under the leadingship of Kees Vuik:

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1. Henk Seubers (RUG)
Quasi-simultaneous coupling and time integration of partitioned systems
2. Manuel Baumann (TuD)
Nested Krylov methods for shifted linear systems arising in frequency-domain wave simulations
3. Sarah Gaaf (TU/e)
Matrix condition number estimation: Extended Lanczos bidiagonalization yields lower bound and probabilistic upper bound

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Support: The Conferences of the Dutch-Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities are held yearly, organised by the Werkgemeenschap Scientific Computing (WSC). Support is provided by the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI). Financial support for this conference is provided by the 3TU Applied Mathematics Institute (3TU.AMI), Shell Global Solutions International B.V., the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), the Nonlinear Dynamics of Natural Systems(NDNS+), VORtech BV, the scientific software engineers (VORtech),

Organising committee 2014: Arthur Veldman (chair), Kees Oosterlee, Marnix Van Daele, Stefan Vandewalle, Margreet Nool (secretary)

Number of participants: 120
Number of posters: 50

Impression 2014
More photos of the Thirty-ninth Woudschoten Conference