2019 Woudschoten Conference
Lectures of the forty-fourth Woudschoten Conference

The organizing committee is very happy to present some of the lectures shown on the Woudschoten conference 2019.
The forty-fourth Woudschoten conference was held at the Woudschoten Conference Centre, Zeist, The Netherlands from
9-11 October 2019.
Themes and speakers of the 2019 conference were:
Model order reduction for parametric systems
* Gianluigi Rozza (SISSA)
Reduced Order Methods for PDEs: state of the art and perspectives with CFD applications in Industry, Medicine and Environmental Sciences
* Karen Veroy-Grepl (RWTH, Aachen University)
The Reduced Basis Methods
Adaptivity and a posteriori error estimation for the finite element method
* Carsten Carstensen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Adaptive Finite Element Methods with Collective Marking (tba)
Adaptive Finite Element Methods with Separate Marking (tba)
* Emmanuil Georgoulis (University of Leicester/ NTU Athens)
Adaptive Galerkin methods for evolutionary problems (tba)
Reconstruction of Galerkin solutions as a tool of proving a posteriori error bounds (tba)
Numerical methods in deep learning
* Gitta Kutyniok (TU Berlin)
Solving Mathematical Problems by Deep Learning: Inverse Problems
Solving Mathematical Problems by Deep Learning: Partial Differential Equations
* Daniel Pelt (CWI)
Machine learning for large scientific images
* Anastasia Borovykh (Imperial College)
Analytic expressions for the output evolution of a deep neural network during training
One-minute Poster session:

Wil Schilders(chair), Jaap van der Vegt, Daan Crommelin en Martine Anholt (secretary)
Support 2019
Number of participants:82, of whom 18 women
Number of PhD students: 34, of whom 11 women
Number of posters: 27