Overview events
- Closing Meeting EU Project ABC-EU-XVA, Bologna, 29 September 2022
* Kees Oosterlee
* ESR1 Louis Souto Arias
* ESR2 Kristoffer Andersson
* ESR4 Roberta Simonella
* ESR5 Felix Wolf
* ESR6 Kevin Kamm - Study week with the Financial Industry at the University of A Coruña,19-20 April 2022
* Problem description of problem 1
* Slides of the problem definition of problem 1
* Slides group 1 from Friday presentation
* Proposal for problem 2
* Slides presentation of problem 2
* Presentation slides of group 2
* Problem proposal by ABANCA (problem 3)
* Final presentation slides from group 3
- ESRs presentations online on 22nd October 2021.
- ABC-EU-XVA workshop on 21st January 2021, plus Board meeting.
- Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management on-line workshop on July 2nd, 2020.
The speakers have made slides available here. Video part I and Part II.
- A Crash Course on Python Programming was organized at the University of A Coruña on July 4th and 5th, 2019.
- The 3rd International conference on Computational Finance (ICCF 2019) was held at A Coruña 8-12 July 2019.
- The Spring School took place in Bologna (Italy) at the Department of Mathematics, on May 16-17, 2019.