2025 SCS Woudschoten Meeting

We are happy to announce that six speakers have confirmed to lecture at the 2025 Woudschoten Conference, 24-26 September 2025, two for each of the three conference themes.
The conference themes and lecturers are:

Robust Iteration Methods for Non-linear PDEs
- Florian Adrian Radu (University Bergen, Norway)
- Martin Vohralik (Inria, France

Scientific Machine Learning
- Virginie Ehrlager (Inria, France)
- Felix Dietrich (TUM, Germany)

Geometric Integration
- Mathieu Desbrun (Inria, France)
- Elena Celledoni (NTNU, Norway)

Further details of the program will follow later and can be found on the website or you can contact me via numwisk@cwi.nl.

Organizing committee Woudschoten 2025: Marc Gerritsma (TU Delft, chair),  Tomasz Tyranowski ( Twente University), Victorita Dolean Maini (TU Eindhoven), Benjamin Sanderse (CWI), Sorin Pop (Hasselt University) Jason Frank (Utrecht University) and Martine Anholt (CWI, secretary)