Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2017
- Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2017
- 2017-01-23T09:30:00+01:00
- 2017-01-27T13:30:00+01:00
- When Jan 23, 2017 09:30 AM to Jan 27, 2017 01:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam / UTC100)
- Where Amsterdam Science Park
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Dear all,
Hereby we would like to remind you of the SWI (Study Group Mathematics
with Industry) 2017. There are still several places available, so come
join us from 23 to 27 January 2017 at Amsterdam Science Park!
During SWI, you will work for one week on a real-life problem presented
by one of the participating companies. In the past few weeks, Shell, ABN
AMRO, SiRM and TNO submitted their cases. You can now find them on the
website. An overview of all problems for SWI 2017 can be found here:
Both junior and senior mathematicians are welcome to participate.
Participation, including lunches and dinners, is free of charge after
registration on
Accommodation will be provided by the SWI organization on request for
participants from outside the Amsterdam region.
SWI 2017 is co-organized by the Korteweg – de Vries Institute for
Mathematics of the University of Amsterdam and Centrum Wiskunde &
Informatica (CWI). For more information, registration and a full
programme, visit
Please feel free to forward this call for participants to your colleagues!
Best regards on behalf of the SWI2017 organization,
Chris Stolk (UvA)
Marieke Kranenburg (UvA)
Daniëlle Kollerie (CWI)