NMC 2018
- https://wsc.project.cwi.nl/events/nmc-2018
- NMC 2018
- 2018-04-03T00:00:00+02:00
- 2018-04-04T23:59:59+02:00
- The 54-th Dutch Mathematical Congress (NMC) will be held in the Koningshof in Veldhoven, on April 3—4, 2018, the two days following Easter 2018. This year's congress will be a pilot under auspices of the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG), inspired by the `Deltaplan Wiskunde'. It will be a larger scale two day congress, including conference dinner and an overnight stay. This NMC new-style is possible thanks to generous financial support from NWO, obtained via PWN. If successful, this pilot will be continued in a more structural fashion.
- When Apr 03, 2018 to Apr 04, 2018 (Europe/Amsterdam / UTC200)
- Where Koningshof Veldhoven
- Contact Name
- Web Visit external website
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The 54-th Dutch Mathematical Congress (NMC) will be held in the Koningshof in Veldhoven, on April 3—4, 2018, the two days following Easter 2018. This year's congress will be a pilot under auspices of the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG), inspired by the `Deltaplan Wiskunde'. It will be a larger scale two day congress, including conference dinner and an overnight stay. This NMC new-style is possible thanks to generous financial support from NWO, obtained via PWN. If successful, this pilot will be continued in a more structural fashion.
The program includes plenary lectures by Adriana Garroni, Yi Ma, Jean-François Le Gall, William Slofstra, Bruno Stoufflet, and Fernando Rodriguez Villegas (Beeger lecture). There will be many minisymposia (DISC, DIAMANT, GQT, NDNS+, STAR, CompSci, NETWORKS, QuSoft, Machine Learning, Math PhD’s working in industry, KWG PhD-prize laureates & Stieltjesprize winners, SWI). The annual afternoon session for high school teachers ("Docentendag"), including lectures by the competitors for the Pythagoras ProfielWerkstuk Prijs, takes place at the second day.
Postersessions on both days. To submit a poster please send an email with subject NMC2018 Poster containing the poster title and the names of the authors to nmc@wiskgenoot.nl